
Backup congifuration files

Backup to a remote server

In the table below you will find the parameters description shown in the Admin area-Backup section, the Backup tab.

Parameter: Description:
Servers The IP address or the name of your server whose configs you want to back up.
Remote server The IP address or the name of your server where the backups will be stored.
Remote folder Path to the directory on the remote server where the backups will be stored.
Backup type One of the following backup types can be selected:
  • Backup - all configs will be backed up and all backups will be stored;
  • Synchronization - if you delete a config file from Roxy-WI, its backup will be deleted as well.
Period Frequency of backups.
Credentials Credentials for connecting to the backup server. Only SSH key authentication is allowed.
Description This field is for additional information.

Backup to S3

In the table below you will find the parameters description shown in the Admin area-Backup section, the Backup tab.

Parameter: Description:
Servers The IP address or the name of your server whose configs you want to back up.
S3 server The IP address or the hostname of S3 server where the backups will be stored.
Bucket A bucket name where the backups will be stored.
Period Frequency of backups.
Description This field is for additional information.

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